Main objectives of the Cluster of Serbian Aeronautial Industry are:

  • Joint promotion of Serbian aeronautical industry in general;
  • Zajednicka promocija srpske vazduhoplovne industrije kao celine;
  • Joint marketing approach in the market and taking new markets by stimulation of development of new technologies;
  • An active help in realization of cooperation with foreign partners;
  • Association and active cooperation with aeronautical associations, professional associations, clusters of aircraft, parts and equipment manufacturers in the world and other public or private aeronautical subjects in Serbia and abroad;
  • Cherish of aeronautical traditions;
  • Protection of natural environment and developing awareness on protection of ecology and human rights.


In order to achieve its objectives the Cluster in particular:

  1. Collects and processes scientific and technical literature in the field of aviation;
  2. Organizes, alone or together with other aviation organizations, professional meetings, conferences, seminars and other forms of education in the field of aviation;
  3. Initiates the establishment of specialized aviation institutions to deal with the certification of aeronautical products;
  4. Initiates the establishment and organization of aviation schools and the organization of specialized professional training in all areas of aviation;
  5. Takes the initiative and actively participates in the celebration of all important Serbian, European and World aviation anniversaries;
  6. Establishes and organizes special sectors, clubs and groups within the Association, for preserving aviation customs and traditions, development and improvement of aviation sport, organization of aviation events and similar;
  7. Publishes books, professional and other publications on issues related to aviation and aeronautical industry in general;
  8. Creates Internet and other professional presentations, advertising and promotional material in the field of aviation and similar;
  9. Cooperate with universities, schools, professional associations and other organizations that are in any way connected with the aeronautics, in Serbia and abroad.